The Oldest World Map
World map 6th century BC. It is thought to be the world oldest map. It shows Babylon, Euphrates, surrounded by circular landmass with Assyria, Armenia, Ocean and seven Islands arranged around it to form a seven-pointed star.
Turkocentric World Map 11th Century
World map of Mahmud al-Kashgari of Turks. This map oriented with east on the top, showing Taklamakan and the Altai in the centre, the Caspian Sea to the north, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Yemen and Egypt to the the west, China and Japan to the east, Hindustan, Kashmir, Gog and Magog to the south. The world is shown as encircled by the ocean.
12th Century
World map from the Italian monk Beato di Liebana, made in the 12th century.
14th Century
World map made around 1420 by the Italian cartographer Pietro Vesconte.
World map of the German cartographer Andreas Walsperger made in 1448.
Colombus Map 15th Century
The “Columbus map” which perhaps was drawn by Christopher Columbus and his brother Bartolomeo in Lisbon around 1490 before the discovery of the New World, showing the known world in their time.
Early 16th Century
Year of 1500, map of Juan de la Cosa, Spanish cartographer, conquistador and explorer who sailed the first 3 voyages with Columbus.
Later in 16th Century
Scottish cartographer Johne Rotz, published 1542 in the Boke of Idrography.
Second Half of 17th Century
Dutch cartographer Claes Janszoon Visscher in 1652
18 Century
Map of 18 century looks pretty much like modern map. This map was done by German geographer and cartographer Johann Baptist Homann.
19 Century
Dutch world map from Otto Petri 1860
World map 6th century BC. It is thought to be the world oldest map. It shows Babylon, Euphrates, surrounded by circular landmass with Assyria, Armenia, Ocean and seven Islands arranged around it to form a seven-pointed star.
Turkocentric World Map 11th Century
World map of Mahmud al-Kashgari of Turks. This map oriented with east on the top, showing Taklamakan and the Altai in the centre, the Caspian Sea to the north, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Yemen and Egypt to the the west, China and Japan to the east, Hindustan, Kashmir, Gog and Magog to the south. The world is shown as encircled by the ocean.
12th Century
World map from the Italian monk Beato di Liebana, made in the 12th century.
14th Century
World map made around 1420 by the Italian cartographer Pietro Vesconte.
World map of the German cartographer Andreas Walsperger made in 1448.
Colombus Map 15th Century
The “Columbus map” which perhaps was drawn by Christopher Columbus and his brother Bartolomeo in Lisbon around 1490 before the discovery of the New World, showing the known world in their time.
Early 16th Century
Year of 1500, map of Juan de la Cosa, Spanish cartographer, conquistador and explorer who sailed the first 3 voyages with Columbus.
Later in 16th Century
Scottish cartographer Johne Rotz, published 1542 in the Boke of Idrography.
Second Half of 17th Century
Dutch cartographer Claes Janszoon Visscher in 1652
18 Century
Map of 18 century looks pretty much like modern map. This map was done by German geographer and cartographer Johann Baptist Homann.
19 Century
Dutch world map from Otto Petri 1860
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